2024 Ford Reynolds Scholarship Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 9I. PERSONAL INFORMATIONAcademic Year: 2024 - 2025Current School Year 2024-2025Legal NameFirstLastStreetCityStateZip CodeGenderMFTHome Phone #Cell Phone #Email AddressEmailConfirm EmailDOB02 /02 /2000Last 4 digits of SSNLast 4 digitsNextII. EDUCATIONHigh School NamePrincipal's NameSchool AddressStreet Address, City, State, ZipFromMonth/Year StartedToMonth/Year GraduatedEnter the names of the colleges/universities you are applying to:1st SchoolFirst school you are applying to2nd SchoolSecond school you are applying to3rd SchoolThird school you are applying to4th SchoolFourth school you are applying toWhen do you plan to start:Summer 2024Fall 2024Spring 2025Fall 2025Future Career ChoiceWhat are you planning to do?Anticipated GraduationWhen are you planning to graduate form college?PreviousNextIII. LIST SCHOOL & COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS OF WHICH YOU ARE A MEMBERA. Advance courses, activities and experiencesB. List Extracurricular Activities.C. List Community Services as a Freshman and as a Sophmore.D. List any honors, awards, and/or special recognition you have received over the last three years.PreviousNextIV. YOUR FAMILYA. Enter complete information about your parent(s) and/or your guardian(s).Name 1Father/Male Guardian 1Mother/Female Guardian 1Name 2Father/Male Guardian 2Mother/Female Guardian 2Name 3Father/Male Guardian 3Mother/Female Guardian 3Number of persons in your family dependant on your parents/guardians for financial supportNumbersC. Are there aspects of your family life or personal circumstances you would like to share with the Selection Committee?PreviousNextV. Please answer one of the following questions and upload your essay to the Scholarship Application, using the "Choose File" button below the question. (The essay should follow this format: typed 10 point font, 1" margins, doubled spaced and between 500-750 words):1. Write about a person or experience that taught you the value of persevering despite setbacks or challenges. Please upload your response to Question 1, below, before submitting your application. Click or drag a file to this area to upload. 2. What core values do you hold dear? How do these values shape your daily interactions and future plans??Please upload your response to Question 2, below, before submitting your application. Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Suggested sites to assist in essay structure & composition: College Essay Guy, College Scholarships, Scholarships & Financial AidVI. Three (3) sealed and signed letters of recommendation are required to support your application. Letters of recommendation can be sent using the link or mailed. At least one must be from an academic instructor.PreviousNext VII. Letter and Confidential Documents From Your RecommendersApplicant NamePlease review your responses and sign your name below. Your signature will confirm that the information provided is accurate and true and authorizes your school to release the information requested. I certify that I am a graduating senior in good standing atHigh School and expect to enroll atUniversity/College in August/September of the year immediately following my high school graduation. Scholar’s SignatureDate Ways to submit your application, essay, official sealed school transcript, school certification form, and recommendation letters to the address below: The Gailen and Cathy Reevers Center for Community Empowerment 4126 S. Arlington Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90008-4028 Attention: Stephanie Farmer (323) 293-8535 Mailed Ford Reynolds Star Applications must be postmarked by Friday, May 5, 2024 or Applications can be emailed to: info@gcrcla.org and must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, May 9, 2024 If sent via email, official sealed school transcripts, school certification form, and recommendation letters must be postmarked Friday, May 5, 2024.Next Please provide the data requested below and attach an official transcript of grades. Name of Student: High School:Please provide the data requested below and attach an official transcript of grades Name of Student: High School:TEST SCORES (optional) A School administrator/coordinator may enter the scores below. SAT Test Date:SAT Scores:VerbalMathWritingACT Test Date: Composite Score:Passed both parts of CAHSEE: YesNoIs the student a high school senior? YesNoAnticipated Graduation Date:A-G Grade Point Average Cumulative Grade Point AverageName:Title:Signature:Date:NextVIII. THESE ARE THE FINAL STEPS. Have your References Click Here IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO REVIEW YOUR RESPONSES, CLICK THE PREVIOUS BUTTON TILL YOU'RE ON THE FIRST PAGE. ONCE SATISFIED, AND ARE BACK TO THIS POINT, CONTINUE TO THE NEXT LINE.Before SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION Right-Click THIS LINK - Choose Open Link in New Tab to download and follow the final instructions for requesting your academic documents.THEN, CLICK THE PREVIOUS TAB TO COME BACK TO THIS PAGE TO SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION. Thank You! Please have your Recommenders upload their responses here. Click or drag a file to this area to upload. PreviousNextEmailSubmit