Smart From The Start
Research Initiative
Ford Reynolds
star Scholarship
Black History Month
Community Research
The Board of Directors and the Executive Director of GCRC recognize the importance of African American participation in medical research and clinical trials. Through partnerships with UCLA, USC, Healthy African American Families, Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles and Lincoln Memorial Church, we engage our residents’ health and wellness awareness by participation in pilot studies and clinical trials such as cancer, autism, hypertension, diabetes, mental health and COVID-19. Awareness of prevention helps to lessen the effect of the health disparities that stubbornly beleaguer our community.
GCRC participated in a UCLA clinical study on how to reduce the risk of colon cancer with exercise and by eating a healthy diet, of lean meat, fish, fresh fruit and vegetables so that our people can live long and healthy lives.

Dr. Maxwell, researcher from UCLA, explains the research process to participants.
The study results were published in a UCLA School of Medicine journal. GCRC is intentional in bringing equitable health and wellness solutions to our community. We are committed to the advancement of the health and well-being of Black people whether they are a family, individuals or seniors through health education, empowerment, and advocacy.
Ford Reynolds Star Scholarship Awards
2020 Ford Reynolds Star Scholarship Recipient

Thank You GCRC, from Johnnie Kaufman Murray. He is a 2020 Ford Reynolds Star Scholarship Recipient.
2021 Ford Reynolds Star Scholarship Recipients

Amaya Sheppard
California State University, Fullerton

Giselle Williams
Columbia University

Chrislyn Brandon
Santa Clara University
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February 2022
Black Hisory Month